Team Development

Teams have been:

  • The rage for years
  • The answer to solving critical problems
  • Chaotic in some organizations
  • Highly creative in some situations
  • Highly inappropriate in others situations
  • True teams and everyone knows it -- publicly
  • Teams in name only and everyone knows it - privately
  • Directed to compete externally -- achieving success
  • Directed to compete internally -- causing distress

Teams can be powerful

RAR Management has been working with teams and team development for years. We believe that teams can be very powerful, efficient, and productive when given the proper mandate, resources, and organizational support. We also strongly believe that too many organizations get in over their "collective heads" because they misunderstand teams, the team process, and what teams can accomplish.

Team Effectiveness Program

RAR Management's Executive Team Effectiveness Program includes both individual and team contribution. The program clarifies team goals, individual roles, accountability, and how the team will assess itself.

The Executive Team Effectiveness Program includes:

  • Team audit
  • Individual assessment
  • Two day meeting reveiwing collected data to build on strengths and overcome weaknesses
  • Follow-up meetings -- Three (one per month)
  • Individual coaching and advising

RAR Management can help your organization fine tune a successful team, act as a resource in developing teams, or help your organization decide if the team approach is appropriate for a given task.

If you would like more information on Team Development, contact us.

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